Tag Archives: smoking

Quit Smoking Paraphernalia

This post is off the topic of juicing, but the guest post from my husman yesterday got me thinking about the steps that we took to find health. For the snowball effect to snowball, you have to have a tipping point—something that pushes us over the hill.  You would be able to guess from the guest entry yesterday and my first blog, Step One, our tipping point to a healthier life was when we quit smoking. I don’t want to imagine where we would be today if we were still lighting up. But from the search engines keywords that land people onto my blog about 19% are in the category of “quit smoking”. So for those who need a little visual encouragement this blog is for you. Snuff out those cigarettes and become a member of the growing group of NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.

Click on the image to be linked to the original source or artist of the concepts.

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