Day 1—I Feel Good!

So much to document of the first day, whew! But this is important stuff!

How do I feel? Far beyond what I thought was possible. Why? Look at these typical side effects of juice detoxing.

Healing Reactions in the Body

  • Mood swings, anger, impatience or depression
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Cramping, gas, diarrhea or constipation
  • Hunger pangs
  • Body or joint aches
  • Wild dreams
  • Skin rashes or acne
  • Bad breath or a coating on the tongue
  • Insomnia or fatigue
I had none of this! Not one thing. I know it is only Day 1, but I am hopeful I am going to skate though this with little side effects.  The reason my body is not hating me right now if probably because I have already made major healthy lifestyle changes.
  1. Nearly vegan, only eat small amounts of cheese when eating out.
  2. Only drink water and lots of it.
  3. I have no caffeine withdraws because I gave up tea.

The things I did go through today

  • After the first juice my body quickly reacted cleaning out my intestines.
  • I was active around the house, cleaning, doing laundry etc., plenty of energy.
  • Drinking juice equals a full bladder every couple of hours. Many, many trips to the bathroom.
  • At around 4pm (a normal snacking time) I was craving oranges and bananas so bad. I couldn’t get them off my mind. The good thing is it was good food I was craving. But shortly after I started craving SALT. It was Pringles that I wanted and I wanted them bad. But it was short-lived. The craving for fruit lasted much longer and honestly is still here.
  • Around 5pm I had one or two stomach growls signaling FEED ME. My next juicing was coming soon, so they went away.
  • Around 8pm I started to slow down. My brain seemed to be moving slower. But I soon jumped to hyper, energy mode after drinking my last juice of the night. The carrots have energy packed into them!

Besides staying up WAY too late getting numerous blogs ready for post, I had a remarkably uneventful day. It was a good day. I am assuming tomorrow will be more detoxing though.

See my other Day 1 blogs for the entire experience.

Day 1—Juice Fast Breakdown

Day 1—Veggie Pulp, Wowza!

Day 1—Nutritional Information

Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

Day 2 of my Juice Fasting

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2 thoughts on “Day 1—I Feel Good!

  1. Sarah says:

    You might have all those symptoms tomorrow. I did a week-long juice fast about a year ago and felt wonderful day 1, miserable days 2-3 and felt awesome the rest of the time!

    • goodlucktina says:

      That is what I am bracing myself for as well. Thanks for the heads up. So far Day 2 has been rocking. It could be all the blogging that is keeping me very focused and yet distracted.

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